Program Mission
The Green Labs Certification Program (GLCP), has the twin goals of:
- Educating laboratory personnel about actions they can take to reduce the environmental impact of their laboratories.
- Acknowledging and rewarding labs and lab personnel who make conscious efforts to promote sustainable conduct within their laboratories.
Texas A&M and the Green Lab Program
Texas A&M has worked to promote the narrative of long-term prosperity and quality of life by connecting people with the planet. We believe it is time to bring these principles to the attention of the many research and teaching laboratories on campus.
Among the Texas A&M Vision 2020 Peer Institutions, 12 of the 15 have dedicated green lab programs. The benchmark by which we judge our sustainability impact dictates that a dedicated program promoting sustainability initiatives within laboratories should be introduced at Texas A&M.
- Green Labs Program Brochure in PDF.
- Green Labs Certification Resource Guide in PDF. If you need assistance with the content of these documents, please contact us at
Many of the sustainability initiatives described in the GLCP reflect the goals outlined in the Texas A&M Environmental policy and the Sustainability Master Plan. These goals cover topics such as energy conservation, the reduction of greenhouse gasses, non-construction waste reduction, as well as increasing diversion rates for non-construction waste. For more information pertaining to these goals, see the Sustainability Master Plan.
Green Certified labs will have an increased appeal for attracting undergraduate researchers, graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers. Those certified will be able to cite their achievements in grant proposals, and Colleges and Departments that promote Green Labs will have the pride of being at the forefront of green innovation at TAMU.
Certification Process
The Green Lab Certification process at TAMU is designed to ensure both leaders and members of perspective labs are on the same page of what it means to be a Green Lab. Steps of the certification process include equipment evaluation, a statement of understanding by lab members, recycling, green purchasing, and the sharing of equipment and space amongst other labs. The specific requirements can be found in the TAMU Green Labs Certification Application.
In addition to standard requirements that need to be met to maintain Green Lab status, challenges will be implemented to encourage participation. One of these challenges known as, The Freezer Challenge, is sponsored by two green lab-oriented non-profits, and has the goal of reducing energy consumption of labs by monitoring cold storage freezers. More information about this challenge can be found by visiting,
Certification Process Outline
- Submit application to EHS for review
- Schedule a lab walkthrough with EHS to confirm completion of checklist items
- Maintain current checklist items and continue to improve lab initiatives
- Resubmit certification application at least once every two years to update certification level
Point System
Points will be awarded to each lab based off how they answer the questions found on the Green Lab Certification Application. Fifty points is the maximum amount that can be achieved. There is also a tiered ranking system, where designations will be handed out to labs based on how many points they earn. Labs will be able to promote their rankings which will help instill a sense of pride and achievement.
- 15 Points: Bronze
- 25 Points: Silver
- 35 Points: Gold

