Committee Charge

The Sustainability and Environmental Management Committee (SEMC) serves as an advisory committee to the Associate Vice President for the Office of Safety and Security (the President’s designee) and Environmental Health & Safety, a department within the Division of Risk, Ethics and Compliance.

The SEMC drafts and reviews environmental policy and programs and recommends methods of improving compliance, pollution prevention, education, environmental stewardship and sustainability.

Environmental Policy

At Texas A&M University, we commit to sustainable practices that protect our assets; respect the health, safety and well-being of our community; provide strict accountability for the natural resources entrusted to Texas A&M and enhance environmental awareness and action.

In order to minimize adverse environmental impacts, we commit to:

  • Reducing the generation of waste and encourage reuse and recycling;
  • Encouraging the purchase of renewable, reusable, recyclable and recycled materials;
  • Reducing risks associated with the storage and disposal of hazardous substances;
  • Supporting sustainability education and outreach;
  • Providing a forum for open communication on environmental issues as well as setting and reviewing related objectives and targets

Respect. Protect. Preserve.

Texas A&M Environmental Policy